
Be sure they are licensed, bonded, and insured. You can check Oregon contractors out at From here you can enter the contractor’s name to see if they have any complaints and the status of those complaints. If you decide to work with someone who is not licensed and insured properly then you will have no recourse financially (they could take your money and walk off the job) and you are taking on the liability should someone get hurt. The little bit of cost savings are not worth the risks. You need to do your due diligence and hire someone with confidence.


Speaking of due diligence; get a few quotes. Who gave you a professional proposal? Who did you feel comfortable with? Would you have coffee with them? What do their references say? Be wary of quotes that come in way below the others, this is a huge red flag that they are cutting corners somewhere. This may take time but this is your home ~ your biggest investment.


Think beyond price. Yes, price is a factor. However, it is important that you have good communication with the contractor and that everyone is on the same page with the project. We have heard all too many stories from homeowners who did get what they bargained for.


Every project should have a contract regardless of the size. In the State of Oregon, the law says that a contract is required for projects over $2,000.00. However, to protect yourself, you should require a contract for all jobs that includes a timetable, a list of materials to be used, brands of materials, and a payment schedule.

Payment Structure

The last thing to consider is the payment structure. We at Valley Roofing ask for half upfront to schedule the job. The reason for this is; that it allows us to pay for the materials as well as have a “buy-in” from you so that our contract is binding.

In short; find a licensed professional contractor you feel comfortable and communicate well with and get everything written.