Ways To Save Money With Your Roof

by | Mar 18, 2020 | Preventative | 0 comments

Ways to Save Money With Your Roof

Who thought that it is possible to save money with your roof? No, we don’t mean cutting corners, hiring underqualified contractors, or doing it yourself. We mean making sure from the beginning that things are done right! There are also many other ways that you can use your roof to save or even make money.

Getting Solar

Have you ever considered getting solar? One of the huge pluses of having solar panels is that you will lower your electric bill. Everyone wants to have a cheaper power bill. In some cases, people even over-produce electricity and the power company might even pay you. It’s a great way to fight against the rising costs of electricity. 

Another plus is that it will increase the value of your home. If you plan to sell your home in the future, this is a huge bump up for your home’s value. Another great thing about solar is that you eventually earn your money back on your investment. Last but certainly not least, you will reduce your carbon footprint. So, if getting solar is an option for your family you may want to consider it. It is a great investment that can save you some money.

Benefits of New Insulation 

When you invest in new insulation your home becomes more energy efficient. Why does this happen you may ask? You will save money on energy costs. When proper insulation is installed by a great contractor it traps the heat or cools in more effectively. This means running your heater or AC less. If the home has inefficient insulation then you are letting dollar bills escape through the cracks every month. It is estimated that 90% or more homes in the United States are under-insulated. 

There are other ways that you get a great return on your investment in new insulation. Such as if you are planning to sell the home. Adding insulation to the home will increase the value significantly. You will more than likely get a large percentage of your investment back. In this market, you will want to increase your home’s value as much as possible.

Don’t Do DIY

I know it can be tempting and seemingly cost-effective to try to do a big project all on your own. However, if you are not a trained and licensed roofing contractor this would be a huge mistake. Any time that you have a project that affects the structural integrity of the home you should have a trained, licensed, and insured contractor do the job. 

You could make a huge mistake that could have devastating effects on the home. If you mess up you will have to hire a contractor anyway. This destroys the entire point of trying to save money, to begin with. So save some money, time, and materials, and hire someone who knows what they are doing.

Metal Roofing

Something people don’t often think of is metal roofing. Metal roofing is surprisingly very energy efficient. There are many benefits to metal roofing. One of which is that they are extremely durable. Metal offers fire, wind, and water resistance! In some tests, they have found that metal roofing can withstand up to 140 mph winds. This makes metal roofing very attractive to many. 

Although installing metal roofing it may cost more than the typical shingle roof, it is worth the investment. Due to its longevity, metal roofing is a great investment. Metal roofing can last up to 60 years. When put in those terms, it only costs one-third the price of a shingle roof. If you plan to stay in your home for many years then you might want to consider putting in a metal roof. An added benefit to metal roofs also make the perfect platform for adding solar panels and becoming even more energy efficient.

A Flat Roof

If you need to save costs right from installation then you may want to consider having a flat roof put on. People often hear bad things about flat roofing but there are many positives to it as well. One of the positives is that they cost less to have installed. They are also cheaper to maintain and they make amazing platforms for solar panels to be installed on. These are just a few of the benefits of having a flat roof installed on your home.

A Yearly Inspection 

I know that in many of our blogs, we mention getting yearly inspections. Honestly, though, we can’t be impressed enough with how vital this is. It may seem like a waste of money to you but in all reality, it will likely save you a ton of money in the long run. A small issue can turn into a huge, and expensive, hazard quickly when it goes unchecked.

We all like to save money, so we should always look at the long term vs the right now. Don’t have substandard work done, if you do then you will have to get it fixed again sooner rather than later. Go with a good reputable contractor, call Valley Roofing for all of your roofing needs. 


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